Quiesa 2023

The project, entitled L'ACQUA È VITA (WATER IS LIFE), stems from the winning of the QUIESA ART PRIZE promoted by the Ass.Cult. Ancora in Viaggio by Mauro Talini. The mural is about 80 metres long and is located in Quiesa, a small village surrounded by water springs, lakes and a few kilometres from the sea. The work speaks of the relationship between the land and those who live it, it speaks of care and conservation, solidarity and love. The first part of the mural depicts three water nymphs holding hands, a sign of sisterhood and union, then the narrative develops with the native birds of the Massaciuccoli Oasis, a nature reserve that is home to an important biodiversity. The third and final part recounts the lake's fish species, ending with a wave that closes the narrative. I would like to thank Marta Mariano and the Ass.Cult. Gora for this wonderful experience that captured my heart.