Livorno - 2021

he project was realised thanks to the call for tenders "I giovani per il volontariato 2020 del Cesvo , financed with the contribution of Giovanisì - Regione Toscana in agreement with the Dipartimento per le politiche giovanili e il servizio civile universale - Presidenza del Consiglio dei Ministri, with the participation and financing of the Fondazione Monte dei Paschi di Siena and the Fondazione CR Firenze. Thanks to these realities, the Murali association created this initiative in which I was involved as a teacher and artist. The theme to be addressed for the design of the work was "how would you like the future to be?" a question that was put to the children who took part in the project and also to the children of the Bini school in Livorno immediately after the end of the pandemic.

